
The perfect solution for many different situations? It is said that if something is for everything, it is for nothing. In this case we cannot agree with this saying. Regardless of the place or situation in which you want to use roll-up, it will work perfectly. It can be used both as an advertising medium, but also as a training material or a visual setting for an event. Everything depends on a good and well-thought-out design which we will help you to create. The only thing left to you is an easy assembly in the place where you want to use the roll-up.
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many possibilities
The choice of roll-ups is an interesting idea because with a relatively low production price we get many possibilities. Advertising in this form gives us the option of choosing an appropriate format, adjusted to the place where it will be placed. If you get bored with the current graphics or need to change the information, there is no problem. We will prepare a new poster for you at any time, which should be stretched between the cassettes.